The Rajiv Era

  • Foreign policy under Rajiv Gandhi had a fine blend of idealism and realism. His approach in foreign policy was to follow the tradition of non-alignment but he simultaneously attempted giving it a contemporary touch.
  • In his visit to the USA in 1985, he reaffirmed the common values that India and USA stood for like democracy, liberty, rule of law and justice, while also highlighting the dangers of the possibility of a nuclearized Pakistan.
  • A considerable amount of diplomatic efforts unfolded between India and USA in political and economic aspects. Social and cultural diplomacy found a new place in the evolving relationship.
  • The major focus of Rajiv Gandhi was on India’s neighbourhood where considerable diplomatic and political capital was invested.
  • During his times, India and Pakistan signed an agreement not to attack each other’s nuclear facilities but the rapid acceleration of Pakistani nuclear capabilities became an immense concern for India.
  • He continued his predecessor’s effort of 6 Nations and 5 Continents Initiative for denuclearisation and arms control (Sweden, Mexico, Greece, Tanzania, Argentina and India)
  • Delhi Declaration with Gorbachev – Nuclear Disarmanent
  • Though Rajiv Gandhi was a strong advocate of nuclear disarmament and in 1988 had even presented the Rajiv Gandhi action plan for nuclear disarmament in UNGA, he had to also guarantee India’s security.
  • Rajiv gave a nod to the Indian nuclear scientist fraternity and authorised them to manufacture nuclear weapons for India.
  • This decision was taken to prevent any nuclear blackmailing from any side.
  • Rajiv Gandhi also took steps to speed up relations with China. During his 1989 visit to China, both sides agreed that the border issue should not hinder the improvement of bilateral ties in other dimensions.
  • During his tenure, Rajiv Gandhi remained committed to the core values of non-alignment and supported anti-racialist struggles in Africa.
  • He also used NAM as a tool to promote the economic interests of India and took efforts to form G-15 alliance (Now G-20).
  • South West African People’s Organisation was recognised as official Namibian government by India.
  • Thus, it is not wrong to conclude that Rajiv Gandhi, too, followed the policy of “enlightened self-interests”.
SALT 1 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks & START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) was a bilateral treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union on the reduction and the limitation of strategic offensive arms. The treaty was signed on 31 July 1991 and entered into force on 5 December 1994. The treaty barred its signatories from deploying more than 6,000 nuclear warheads and a total of 1,600 intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers.

The LTTE Misadventure
  • Sri Lanka was another state that demanded Rajiv’s attention.
  • The Sri Lankan army had taken siege of Jaffna region and the Tamilian Sri Lankans faced tremendous chaos and persecution and a bloackade
  • Tamil sentiments due to refugee crisis made Rajiv to intervene
  • India decided to airdrop supplies of essentials for the people of Jaffna which was perceived by Sri Lanka as a violation of its sovereignty.
  • To break the ice, in 1987, Rajiv and J. Jayawardene concluded India–Sri Lanka Accord.
  • As per the accords, LTTE would surrender; there would be a unified Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka to undertake devolution in Tamil majority areas and Sri Lanka will allow its territory be used by foreign powers.
  • As per the Accord, an Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) would supervise the surrender of LTTE to ensure peace.
  • The accord and IPKF were perceived by many in Sri Lanka as a violation of their sovereignty. Jayawardene was succeeded by Premadasa who ordered immediate withdrawal of Indian troops from Sri Lanka.
  • Rajiv Gandhi, in the meantime, was assassinated by LTTE cadre and this led to withdrawal of all Indian sympathy for LTTE.
Many military group in Sri Lanka. One of they try to capture Maldives. Maldives ask help from India. India do Operation Cactus & kill the Militant & Rescue Maldives.
Rajiv Gandhi Death
He starts election Campion Hydraded, Sriperumbudur & Bengal (RAW warned not to go & India is Pro Palestine (Palestine militant group (Head Yasser Arafat) Personally warned Rajiv not to go). {Another intelligence report that if rajiv not kill in TN, he will kill by wolfa militant in Bengal (because of Assam Accord)}.


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