
  •  Founded of ajivikam sets – Nanda Vaccha, succeeded by Kisa Samkicca, followed by Makkhali Gosala.
  • Gosala meet Mahavira (6 Year friends) – later separated due to different of doctrinal.
  • He went to Sravasti, patronized by Halahala (Rich pottery women).
  • Principle: niyati or fate.
  • Six inveritable factors: gain & loss, Joy & sorrow, Life & death.
  • Purana Kassapa and Pakudha Kacchayana, joined the Ajivikas after the death of Gosala
Ajivikas in Tamil land
  • Manimekalai, Nilakesi and Sivagnanasiddhiyar have references to Ajivika doctrine.
  • Puranan was the leader of the Ajivika sect.
  • Cholas are known to have levied a tax on the Ajivikas.
Lokayata and Carvaka
  • “lokayata” signifies materialist thought.
  • Carvaka (Indian materialism) and Ajita Kesakambalin (materialist) are said to have established Indian materialism as a formal philosophical.
  • Rivalry among Heterodox sets.
  • Bhagavatisutra, a Jaina text, provide Poor account of Makkhali Gosala.
  • Buddhagosa also ridicules Gosala in his commentaries.


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