Source for study of Earth Interior

Direct Sources
Indirect Sources
  • Mining
  • Drilling
  • Volcanic eruption
  • Meteors/Meteoirts
  • Gramtatonal Anomaly
  • Magnetic Anomaly
  • Sesmic Waves (Earthquake waves)
Direct Sources
  • Two projects
    • Deep Ocean Drilling Project
    • Integrated Ocean Drilling Project
  • Kola – Russia (Drill about 11.8 km)
Volcanic eruption
  • Magma erupted → Cooling → Became Lava. (Study the Lava to find about earth Interior).
Indirect Source
Meteors/ Meteorites
  • Analysis/Comparitive of Metrors
  • Not give complete answer
Gramtational Anomaly
  • The reading of the gravity at different places is influenced by many other factors. Difference is called gravity anomaly.
  • Anomaly – Difference between Excepted & Actual Value.
  • GEquator < GPoles.
Magnetic Anamoly
  • Mineral Distribution among rock varies with region has different in magnetic property.
Study of seismic waves
  • Body waves (Travel along the body of the earth interior)
    • Primary waves (P Waves)
    • Secondary waves (S waves)
  • Surface waves (circum navigation the earth surface from the epicenter) - The body waves interact with the surface rocks and generate new set of waves. – More destructive waves.
    • L waves (Love Waves).
    • R waves (Rayleigh Waves).


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