Solar system

  • Gravitational bound system of star, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter. Ex: Milky way.
  • A galaxy is a huge system of billions of stars.
  • Our solar system is a part of the milky way galaxy.
  • Our Milky way galaxy was named “Akash ganga”.
  • There are millions of galaxies that make the Universe.
  • Distance galaxy: GN-z11 (March 2016)
  • Hubble classification
    • Eliptical (E)
    • Spiral (S): Andromeda & Sombrero (unbarred)
    • Lenticular
Celestial bodies: Sun, Moon.
  • Two types: Emit light (Star), Don’t Emit Light (Planets)
  • North Star – Pole Star – Indicates north Direction
Constellations (Group of star) – 88 Official
  • Ursa Major – Big Dipper
  • Tail – Alioth – Brightest in Ursa Major
  • Saptarishi Mandal
  • Polaris – Brightest in Ursa Minor
The Sun
  • Made up of extremely hot gases.
  • The sun is about 150 million km away from the earth.
  • 30 times greater than Earth.
  • Black hole – It absorb light but does not emit due to high gravitational force.
  • Corona – Outer surface of the sun (About 6000 k)
  • Solar flaws/solar wind – Sudden outpour of wind/stone. Comprising of electrical charged gases.
Evolution of the Earth
  • Early Theories
    • Nebular Hypothesis
    • Binary theories
  • Modern Theories
    • Big Bang Theory (Expanding universe hypothesis.) – Edwin Hubble, in 1920
Expansion of universe - Hoyle’s concept of steady state.

The Star Formation
  • Galaxy starts to form by accumulation of hydrogen gas in the form of a very large cloud called nebula.
  • Growing nebula develops localised clumps of gas.
  • Clumps continue to grow into even denser gaseous bodies.
  • Giving rise to formation of stars
Formation of Planets
  • Stars are localised lumps of gas within a nebula.
  • Gas cloud starts getting condensed – (Planetesimals) are a large number of smaller bodies.
  • large number of small planetesimals accrete to form a fewer large bodies (Planets).
  • Planets move around the sun in a fixed path – Elliptical orbit.
Terrestrial Planets
Jovian Planets
  • Inner/ Solid Planets
  • Earth like mostly silicate
  • Mercury (0), Venus (Earth’s twin) (0), Earth (1), Mars (2)
  • Denser planet
  • Less moons or no moon.
  • Ring system is absent
  • Solar wind blew off lots of gas. (terrestrial planets are smaller and their lower gravity could not hold the escaping gases)
  • Close vicinity of the parent star where it was too warm for gases to condense to solid particles
  • Outer/ gaseous planet
  • Jupiter like (Giant planet)
  • Jupiter & Saturn (Gas), Uranus & Neptune (Ice)
  • Less dense planets
  • Large no of moons
  • Presence of ring system (But Saturn is visible).
  • Solar winds were not all that intense
  • Jovian planets are quite a distant location.
  • Small and absence of moon & atmosphere
  • N2, H2, O2 & CO2
  • No water
  • 88 days to complete rotation.
  • Except Mercury All Planets have Atmosphere, Earth Atmosphere Contain habitable condition
  • Hottest – Presence of atmosphere
  • Earth twin
  • No moon
  • Blue planet & 1 Moon
  • Geoid (Geographical) or Obiate Spheroid (Geometrical). It is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun and 5th largest planet.
  • Age: 4.8 billion years ago. (between the 4,600 million years and the present – Evolution of Life)
  • Chemical composition in Crust – Silica, Aluminum & Lime.
  • Earth’s mass – Iron (32%), Oxygen (30%), Silicon (15%).
  • Earth crust contain 47% oxygen
  • Rotation (Day & Night) – 24 hrs & Revolution (Seasons) – 365.26 days.
  • Bulged at Equator & flattened at poles (12756 km – Equatorial diameter, 12714 – Polar Diameter).
  • Earths perihelion (closest to sun) around 3 January & aphelion around 4 July.
  • Circle of Illumination 
  • Divide the earth into two equal halves (Earth rotate on its axis, stay same in normal position).
  • Dependent on the different season.
  • Sphericity of the Earth - possible circum navigation of the earth without a steep fall, different times of sunrise & sunset, During lunar eclipse, the shadow cast by the earth on the moon is always circular
  • 2nd smallest
  • Red planet – Iron rich red soil.
  • Dark patches on its Surface. Possibility of some plant life.
  • 2 Moons – Phobos, Deimos.
  • Tallest volcanic Mt – Olympus mons
  • 2nd largest Mt in solar system – Active volcano
  • Largest planet. 200°F (-130°C)
  • Made up of hydrogen, helium & Methane.
  • Circular light and dark bands. 12 Satellites circular around it.
  • Ganymede (Lo, Europa) - largest moon in solar system.
  • 53 (Named) + 23 (Unnamed) moons.
  • Concentric ring circle (due to unique mineral composition)
  • Which has three rings.
  • 2nd largest planet.
  • Titan – 2nd largest moon in solar system.
  • Speed, Jupiter > Saturn
  • Venus & Uranus Rotate opposite direction than other planets (East to West).
  • 50 times larger than Earth. 15 times as heavy.
  • Nearly 20 Moons, largest moons - Miranda, Aricl, titamia
  • Coldest planet
  • 14 moons – Triton (largest)
  • Except Uranus and Neptune all other planets are visible by naked eye.
  • Uranus & Neptune are Ice twin of solar system; both are appearing in bluish green.
Dwarf Planets
  • Pluto – smaller size, Offbeat orbit, Beyond Kuiper belt, Now Planetoid. (Planet need more than 27% mass of Pluto is considering as planet). No Ring system.
  • Till august 2006, Pluto consider as planet.
  • Ceres – Largest object in asteroid between Mars & Jupiter (only dwarf planet located in the inner solar system).
  • Eirs – 2003 UB313 (or Xena) – 10th Planets & largest draft discovered.
  • Oort Cloud Are Composed of Ice like ammonia, methane & water
  • Kuiper belt – Ice belt beyond Neptune
  • Planet nine in Kuiper belt is 10 times the mass of earth and 5000 times the mass of pluto
  • Kuiper similar to asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter
    • Perihelion – When it is closest to the sun.
    • Aphelion – When it is farthest from the sun.
    • Dawm Period between sunrise and full daylight.
    • Twilight Period between sunset and complete darkness.
Natural Satellite - The Moon
  • 5th largest Natural satellite of the earth. – ¼ of Earth - dumb-bell-shaped.
  • Tides: Gravitational attraction between moon and earth.
  • Distance about 3.84,400 km (239,900 miles) away.
  • It is now generally believed that the formation of moon, as a satellite of the earth, is an outcome of ‘giant impact’ or what is described as “the big splat”.
  • Sideral month 1 revolution take 27.32 days.
  • Synodic month, Similar alignment of Earth, the sun and the Moon – 29.53 days
  • Moon mission: Chandrayaan - I & II, Teamindus.
  • They are numerous tiny bodies which move around the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
  • Small rocky celestial body.
  • There is a “belt” of such objects, called the “Asteroid belt”
  • Planetoids – largest asteroid.
  • Ceres, vesta, psyche – Important astroid.
  • Apophis - Near earth astroid.
Meteoroids, Meteors, Meteorites
  • The small pieces of rocks/dust particle which move around the sun or dust particle apart from asteroid belt - Meteoroids.
  • The dust particle enters into earth atmosphere, due to friction it is completely burn off – Meteors (Shooting star)
  • The Meteors hit the earth called Meteorites.
  • When asteroid hits earth the place in the earth form hole
  • After some time, the hole is filled with water is called crater lake
  • E.g. India, Lonar Lake (Maharashtra)
  • Jazero Crater - Mars
  • Aitken Basin, Mitra Crater, Bhabha Crater - Moon
Comets or dirty snowball
  • Revolve around the sun only in long elliptical orbits, develop tail when close to the sun (Tail formation (due to ice) – If it come near sun ice melt).
  • Dust/Rock covered with Ice move to solar radiation, No fixed path. 
  • Do not have light of their own
  • Short-Period comets (Halley comet visible every 76 years) – last observed in 1986, next in 2062.
  • 3,650 comets as of now.
  • Highly magnetized Rotating body/ rotating neutron star emit beam of electro magnetic radiation


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