Simon Commission & Communal Award

 Simon Commission

  • Seven-member statutory commission under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon.
  • Commission submitted its report in 1930 Recommended
  • Abolition of dyarchy
  • Extension of responsible Government in the provinces,
  • Establishment of a federation of British India and princely states,
  • Continuation of communal electorate.
  • British Govt convened three round table conferences to discussions, a ‘White Paper on Constitutional Reforms’
Communal Award
  • August 1932, Ramsay MacDonald, the British PM - Scheme of representation of the minorities.
  • Separate electorates for extended it to the depressed classes (Scheduled Castes).
  • Gandhiji was distressed over this extension of the principle of communal representation to the depressed classes and undertook fast unto death in Yerawada Jail (Poona) to get the award modified.
  • Agreement between the leaders of the Congress and the depressed classes.
  • The agreement, known as Poona Pact, retained the Hindu joint electorate and gave reserved seats to the depressed classes


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