Russian Revolution

  • Karl Marx’s idea of socialism and Proletariat revolution became a reality.
  • Even Napoleon Bonaparte could not conquer Russia in 1812. Russia was ruled by the Romanov dynasty of Tsar Nicholas II.
  • Bolshevik Party headed by Lenin led the revolution, overthrow of the Tsarist rule by October Revolution of 1917.
Causes of the Russian Revolution
  • Russia fought a war with Japan in 1904-05, Japan won in the Russo-Japanese war.
  • Lowered the international and domestic prestige of Russia.
  • Tsars believed in divine right theory of kingship.
  • "Bloody Sunday" - Working class of St. Petersburg went on strike, guards fired on the unarmed crowed. Also known as 1905 Revolution.
  • Prelude to the October Revolution of 1917
  • Court is under influence of Rusputin, nobles poisoned Rusputin to death.
  • Russia’s slightly outdated economy, not own modern machinery.
  • Agriculture season was only 4-6 months.
  • Rapid industrialization of Russia result in urban overcrowding and poor conditions for urban industrial workers.
Rise of Socialist Party
  • Formation in 1864, International Working Men’s Association or the First International.
  • Second International - Congress was held in Paris on 14th July 1889, centenary of the French Revolution of 1789. Second International marked a new stage in the history of socialism.
  • Russia workers’ organizations, dominated by Marx’s ideas on socialism.
  • 1883, Russian Social Democratic Party was formed by George Plekhanov.
  • Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1898.
  • One group minority called the Mensheviks, majority party was called as the Bolsheviks.
  • Leader of the Bolsheviks was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, popularly known as Lenin. Great leader of socialist movement after Marx and Engels.
  • Russian socialists, including Plekhanov and Lenin, had played an important part in the Second International.
  • Menshevik and the Bolshevik parties - parties of industrial workers.
  • Socialist Revolutionary Party - demands of the peasantry.
World War I
  • History of military failures, lost a war with Japan in 1904–05.
  • Russian army enjoyed some initial successes against Austria-Hungary in 1914.
  • Russia’s deficiencies is soldiers and the lack of advanced technology.
  • 1914, Battle of Tannenberg, over 120,000 Russian troops were killed, wounded, or captured, while Germany suffered only 20,000 casualties.
  • 1915, Tsar  Nicholas II had taken direct command of the army, but end of October 1916, Russia had lost between 1.6 and 1.8 million soldiers, with an additional two million prisoners of war and one million missing.
  • Nicholas was blamed for all these crises, discontent grew, State Duma issued a warning to Nicholas to grant constitutional form of government.
  • As a Result, Tsarist regime collapsed, during the February Revolution of 1917.
February Revolution
  • February Revolution there was food shortage & protested against war.
  • Political reformists (both liberal and radical left) joined together against the Tsar regime.
  • Bulk of the soldiers garrisoned in Petrograd joined the protesters
  • 12th March, 1917 the capital city of Petrograd (Rename Petrograd and now Leningrad) fell into the hands of the revolutionaries, first provisional Government was formed on 15th  March, according to the old Russian calendar, it occurred on 27 February 1917.
Kerensky’s Provisional Government
  • Demands of the people were fourfold:
    • Peace,
    • Land to the tiller,
    • Control of industry by workers,
    • Equal status for the non-Russian nationalities.
  • Provisional Government under the leadership of Kerensky did not implement any of these demands and lost the support of the people.
  • Lenin, who was in exile in Switzerland at the time of the February Revolution, returned to Russia in April, gave his “April Theses”.
  • Put forward clear policies to end the war, transfer land to the peasants and advance the slogan “All power to the Soviets”
  • Lenin and his trusted associate Leon Trotsky led the October Revolution.
October Revolution of 1917
  • Kerensky’s government led to its collapse on 7th November 1917.
  • Group of soldiers occupied the Winter Palace, the seat of the Kerensky Government.
  • All-Russian Congress of Soviets met on the same day and assumed full political power.
  • Old Russian calendar, 25 October.
Results of the Revolution
  • Russia withdrew from the First World War
  • Peace was signed with Germany later
  • Estates of the landlords transferred to peasants.
  • Control of industries was transferred to committees of workers.
  • Middle of 1918, banks and insurance companies, large industries, mines, water transport and railways were nationalised.
  • Foreign debts were refused and foreign investments were confiscated.
  • right of self-determination.
  • New Government, Council of People’s Commissars, headed by Lenin, began the era of socialism.
  • First Soviet constitution was adoped on July 10, 1918. create Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic.
  • Officers of the army of the fallen Tsar organised an armed rebellion against the Soviet state, England, France, Japan, the United States and others-joined them. War till 1920.
  • Later on December 30, 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • New Soviet state was involved in a civil war.
  • Red Army of the new state was in control of almost all the lands of the old Czarist empire, revolutionary wave lasted until 1923.
  • USSR [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics], which lasted until its disintegration in 1991.


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