Rise of Japan

  • Only country which was not colonized by the European countries in Asia.
  • Followed a policy of imperialism in Asia.
  • Policy of isolation for more than 200 years, broken by Commodore Perry of the U.S.A. on 1853. Way for Japan’s trade with the West.
  • Tokugawa Shoguns controlled Japan, restoration of the Japanese Emperor to full authority, known as Meiji Restoration.
  • Reforms in Japan.
    • The feudal system was abolished.
    • Western legal system was adopted.
    • Constitutional Monarchy, as in Britain, was introduced according to the Meiji Constitution.
    • Japan was fully modernized.
  • Policy of militarism and imperialism, defeated China in 1894-95.
  • Japan captured the Chinese territory of Shantung which was leased to Germany, imposed the 21 Demands on China,
  • End of the First World War, Japan became superior military power.
  • 1922-23, Order to control Japan’s Navy the Washington Naval Conference.
  • 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria and established a puppet regime.
  • 1937, Once again Japan invaded China.
  • Finally, it joined with Germany and Italy and formed the axis
  • 1941, Japan attacked the Pearl Harbour and the U.S.A. entered the Second World War in support of Britain and France and Russia.
  • 1945, August 6th and 9th two atom bombs were dropped, Japan surrendered to the U.S.A.
General MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito
  • Japan under Supreme commander, Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
  • 1947, 3rd May, New constitution took effect.
  • 1951 September, San Francisco Peace Treaty, Japan was made an independent nation once again.
  • 1950s to the 1980s, history consists mainly of its rapid development. U.S.A. provided the latest technology to Japan, rapidly rebuilt its heavy industrial sector.
  • Japan soon emerged as a significant power in many economic spheres, including steel making, car manufacture and the manufacture of electronic goods.
  • Distinguishing characteristics of the Japanese economy - cooperation of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and banks in closely-knit groups called keiretsu emerged.
  • Dominated by one party - Liberal Democratic Party.
  • Emperor Hirohito died in 1989 and his son Akihito succeeded.
  • Only Asian country to be included in the group of developed countries & Member of the G8 (Group of developed country).


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