Per Capital Income & Personal Income

 Per Capital Income

  • To evaluate the standard of living and quality of life of the population.
Per Capital Income =                National Income         .  
                                                                       Population of the country
  • Data released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI).
  • During 2018-19 is ₹1,26,406 (₹10,533.83 monthly) as compared to 2017-18 of ₹1,14,958 (₹9,579.83 a month).
Personal Income
  • The income received by individuals or households in a country during one year, forms of wages, profits, interests and rents.
  • Personal Income (PI) = NI – Undistributed profits – Net interest payments made by households – Corporate tax + Transfer payments to the households from the government and firms (pensions, unemployment allowances, relief payments).
  • Out of NI, which is earned by the firms and government enterprises, a part of profit is not distributed among the factors of production. This is called Undistributed Profits (UP), UP does not accrue to the households.
Disposable Personal Income
  • Part of the personal income which is actually available to individuals and households for actual consumption and saving.
  • DPI = Personal Income - Personal direct taxes (Income tax, fire tax etc.) – fines, fees, etc.


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