Other Revolution in the World
Revolution in Latin America
- Spanish in the sixteenth century, Portuguese and the French also present.
- South American cultures Incas and the Aztecs was destroyed.
- Colonizers (conquistadores) brought to an end the local religious beliefs and introduced Catholic religion.
- Native people were made to work as slave labourers, colonial masters who exported goods such as sugar, coffee, gold and silver to European nations.
The Haitian Revolution
- Haiti, earlier known as Saint-Domingue (as the French called their colony) - richest French colony (1659–1804).
- Imported increasing numbers of African slaves.
- Slaves in African slaves, European colonists (whites) & free affranchis or mulattoes (black-people of mixed African and European descent).
- News of the storming of the Bastille was followed by armed defiance of the royal governor.
- Citizenship to the wealthier mulattoes, fighting broke out between European whites and mulattoes, August thousands of slaves rose in rebellion.
- European whites attempted to appease the mulattoes to quell the slave revolt.
- French National Assembly granted citizenship to all mulattoes in April 1792.
- Country hands of Spanish colonists in Santo Domingo or of British troops from Jamaica.
- In 1793, commissioner, Lรฉger-Fรฉlicitรฉ Sonthonax form France abolished slavery.
- Toussaint L’Ouverture, military leader control of several area. Napoleon sent 12, 000 troops to seize control of Saint-Domingue from Toussaint L’Ouverture’s. French army won.
- Former lieutenant Dessalines rose to the occasion and organised black resistance. He defeated Napoleon’s army.
- Saint Domingue independent black state of Haiti in 1804.
Venezuela and New Granada (now Columbia)
- Inspired by the Haitian revolution. Slaves rebel in 1790s.
- Creoles (persons of mixed European and black descent) wanted an expansion of the free trade.
- Formed the strong loyalist faction in the Viceroyalty of New Granada.
- In 1808 Napoleon made his brother Joseph the king of Spain & social and economic reforms in 1810.
- Venezuela patriots led by Simon Bolivar openly declared a break with Spain.
- Simon Bolivar: Creole family, critiquing Spanish colonialism. Most famous "Jamaica Letter".
- Loyalist forces to crush the patriots’ army, Bolivar and others seek refuge.
- Bolรญvar soon returned to Venezuela with a new army in 1813 and waged a campaign with the army’s motto, “Guerra a muerte” (“War to the death”).
- 1817, independence movement emerged. Bolivar emerged as a strong military and political force after the struggles & group of llaneros (cow boys) joined the struggle, defeat to his enemies in the Battle of Boyaca.
- In 1819 named Bolivar as president of Gran Colombia.
- Eventually New Granada and Venezuela were liberated in 1821.
Mexican Revolution
- Mexico had a powerful segment of Creoles and Peninsulars.
- 1810, Peninsulars had acted aggressively to preserve Spain’s power.
- Revolution in Mexico was led by a catholic priest, Miguel Hidalgo. Against the army of Spain and Creoles but defeated & killed in 1811.
- Later movement was led by Jose Maria Morelos declared independence from Spain in 1813, defeated in 1815.
- Creoles or the wealthy merchants overthrow monarchy and to make a new constitution, Creoles, they declared independence in 1821.
- Person who led the movement was the same officer who defeated the arm of Maria Morelos.
- In 1824, Mexico declared itself as a republic.
Independence of Brazil
- Colony of Portugal, In 1808 Napoleon invaded Portugal. Emperor Dam Joao (John VI) fled to Brazil.
- Dam Joao develop colony by land reforms, military, medical and art schools
- After the defeat of Napoleon, Portuguese ruler continued to stay in Brazil, Portugal leaving the colony of Brazil & leave hands of his son Dom Pedro.
- Pedro declared Brazil’s independence and decided to stay on. 1822, Brazil obtained independence from Portugal only constitutional monarchy in South America, with Pedro I as first emperor.
Other Revolts & Events
- liberator of Argentina, San Martin joined the Chilean liberator Bernardo O’Higgins and both were able to get independence for Chile in 1818 followed by Peru in 1820. San Martin & Bolivar met.
- San Martin wanted European form of government with constitutional monarchy in
- the colonies, Bolivar wanted republican form the colonies.
- San Martin retired and allowed Bolivar to take full command.
- Bolivar tried to unite all Latin American countries under one nation called Gran Colombia, but it could not make it a reality.
- Mexico was invaded by the US and France in nineteenth century, Britain dominating influence in Argentina and Chile.
- twentieth century, especially after World War II, South America was a troubled continent as USA sought to control it by pliant dictatorial governments.
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