North East Insurgency


  • 19th Century, North east (Assan & North East Frontier province) is not a part of India, British want teak from Burma, so British sigh a pact (free pass for crossing north east to capture Burma) in Anglo-Burma War.
  • Later British ask the lank full control for war, after war they give back. But after war, British does not return the area for two reason, keep Burma control need North east root & Resources available, so British capture North East.
  • To Safeguard Resources British pass act, Bengal frontier act (Like IPL) to the area.
  • So tribal fight against British some join Congress as democratic & Some Militant are going.
  • Start Naga Club to negotiating to British give autonomy.
  • At independence, that want to became independent, they do not want to join India, but more people want to join India.
  • Naga Council, Meghalaya Council and more formed ask for independence in 1947 at the time of India independence. India Government form 6th Schedule & give autonomy to the tribal living area & Special Status in Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Assam. Article 371.
  • Some tribe accept it, be democratic & participate in election & Some became militant like ULFA (Now fully controlled by India-Bhutan Military – Operation All Clear), NSCN, Naga etc…
North East Insurgency
  • Language/Ethnicity – Tribal rivalry (Ex: Naga vs Kusi tribal fights).
  • Immigration and demography.
  • Autonomy, Protection of culture. (Jawahar Lal Nehru advocated “Tribal Panchsheel” for Tribal development. The major components of the Panchsheel are: Self-Governance: It advocates the non- imposition of outside rule/culture from external agencies by encouraging self-governance. It affirms that the forest and land rights of tribals must be protected.)
  • Economic underdevelopment, poorly developed transport and communications links.
  • the negligence of the central government, and
  • corruption among local politicians and elites.
  • Racism and neglect from rest of India.
  • Overlapping claims (Many tribes claim same area. Ex: Naga & Manipur tribes claim same area).
  • Strong popular support.
  • Terrain.
  • External support – China, Myanmar.
  • Misuse of ceasefire.
Steps Taken to Combat
  • AFSPA. (Military have direct power. Military can do any operation (Arrest, Search, Shot, investigate etc… all action of army is protected), any time in disturbed area).
  • Peace Accords.
  • Surrender and Rehablitation Policy.
  • Security Related Expenditure Scheme.
  • Civic Action Programme. (Military do civil work)
  • Tripura Model.
  • Advertisement and Publicity Policy.
  • Modernisation of Police Station.
  • Bru Tribes rehabilitation. (Fight Between Mizo & Bru tribes in Mizoram. Mizo tribes kill Bru tribes (Head hunting), So Bru tribes come as refuge in Tripura, now peace accord between union government, Tripura & Mizoram, that mizo tribes don’t kill Bru tribes & say come back, Government give option they settle in Tripura or go back to Mizoram) – 2018.
  • Subsided Helicopter service. (Pawan Hans Ltd, GoI PSU - provide helicopter service).
  • Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER)
    • It is responsible for the matters relating to the planning, execution and monitoring of development schemes and projects in the North Eastern Region, to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of the region.
  • Inner Line Permit (ILP) – ArP, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur; Lakshadweep. (Non-tribal & Other Indian Citizen cannot enter into these areas without inner line permit, because immigrant issue). ILP is provided with purpose (Tourism, Business, Trade etc…) & date (Ex: 1 day, 1 Week. 10 days).
For Non-Citizen people – Protected Area Permit (It Include ILP area & few area of Border states).
Restricted Area Permit – Area that outsider enter is restricted for some reason. To enter in the area, need Restricted Area Permit. (Andaman & Nicobar, Sikkim).
  • Constitutional Protection (5th & 6th Schedule, Article 371).
Autonomous district - State & union law cannot applicable in those district. If law want to implement by governor permission (Governor consult with Autonomic District Council (30 Member = 25 elected by tribes & 5 nominated by Governor)).
If single district has 2 types of tribes, create regional autonomous council for each tribe and they combined to form Autonomic District Council.
  • 125th Amendment Bill. (Still in Pending, Create Village & Municipal autonomy Council with fund allocation).

Main Problems
  • Separate constitution & Flag (Government Denied).
  • Separation from India (Government Denied).
  • Separate State (Government Under Consider).
  • Give autonomy to protect Culture (Government Accept).
Way Forward
  • Recognition of political aspirations.
  • Simultaneous development – Infrastructure.
  • Giving up arms as a precondition – Dialogue.
  • Coordinated response (International Coordination).
  • Repeal AFSPA – Utilse UAPA (Jeevan Reddy Commission).
  • Alternative dispute resolution – Mediation and Negotiation.
  • Neutral fact finding group and Grievance redressal mechanism. (NE people don’t like AFSPA, ITBP, Assam Rifles because of Human rights violation, so create Grievance redressal mechanism for tribes, if human rights violation complaint to them).
  • Media regulation.
  • Look east policy (Now Act Easy Policy).
  • Special Economic Zones – Border Infra and Exports.
Tripura Model
How Tripura succeeded in controlling insurgency:
The State took on the problems in a strategic and resolute manner under the sagacious and visionary leadership of Chief Minister Manik Sarkar. It formulated a multi-dimensional and fine-tuned construct to respond creatively to the situation. It consisted of following:
  • Counter-insurgency operations intent on swift area-domination and ascendancy (Recruit of Tribal people in Armed Force – Counter insurgency operation direction Monitoring of CM, to avoid Human rights violation).
  • Psychological operations and confidence-building measures. (Using Media, Short Video, Street theater to advertisement Government Policy, Initiative etc… directly to people)
  • Accelerated development thrust. (If defeated insurgency & take control of area, development as done as fast as possible. Ex: Constructing School, Hospital, Road etc… to bring trust on Government)
  • Management of the media. (Local Media does not publish insurgency news in the area – Media Censorship).
  • Civic action programmes of the security forces.
  • Political processes (CM direct interact to local tribal people).


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