Non-State Actors

  • In the context of India's internal security Non State Actors can be defined as entities / organizations that do not belong to any established institution of a foreign State, yet endowed with sufficient power to influence and cause threats to Eternal security of India.
  • One has to notice here that in-spite of a state remaining a major actor in the international politics, the emergence of non-state actors, particularly after the cold-war era, facilitated by the globalization has posed a serious challenge to the sovereignty of any nation state, more so in case of India.
  • Foreign relation of India is no more a relation between Indian State and a Foreign State.
  • In addition to framing policies to deal with a State, India has to frame necessary policies to deal with a non- state actor too.
The major external non-state actors that pose serious threats to India's internal security are -
  • Terrorist Organizations; (State Sponsor & Non State Sponsor).
  • Drug Cartels; (Golden Crescent & Golden Triangle) for Terror financing & Destabilise the democratic dividend.
  • Gun Runners;
  • Human Trafficking Cartels;
  • Illegal Endangered Species Trade; (Medicine, Pet, Food).
  • Fake Currency Racket; (Create artificial Inflation because money supply increase without government knowledge).
  • Cyber Attackers (or the Virtual States');
  • Maoists; Insurgents and Cross Border Ethnic Groups/Transnational
  • Illegal immigrants through porous borders
  • Diaspora Communities – Supporting Insurgency;
  • Trans-National/Multi-National Corporations; (Cooperate company influence National Government)
  • International Smuggling Rackets;
  • Civil Society Organizations/Sponsors/Non-Governmental Organisations;
    (Some NGO get funding from abroad and affect India Sovernity. Ex: Green peace International [US Based NGO] (instigate people for protest against kudankulam Nuclear Reactor, because kudankulam get technology support from Russia).
  • Pirates.


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