Nazism in Germany

  • After the First World War, nationalist upsurge in Germany.
  • Rise of socialist parties paved the way for the rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany.
  • Similarly such situation arose in Italy and Japan, resulted in the Axis formation.
Germany at the End of World War I
  • German King William was forced to abdicate, republic was proclaimed.
  • Friedrich Ebert, the leader of the Social - Democratic Party formed a temporary government.
  • New constitution was drafted. This is known as Weimar Constitution
The Revolt of the Royalists
  • Treaty of Versailles was very harsh and humiliating to Germany.
  • Group of people opposed the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • First Revolt - March 1920, leadership of Dr. Kapp.
  • Second Revolt - by Ludendorff, assisted by Hitler.
  • Hitler wrote the famous book Mein Kampf, Bible of the Nazi party.
Economic Crisis
  • Financial crisis, payment of reparation, the government was forced to take loans.
  • Factories were closed. Trade and commerce were deteriorating. Heavy taxes were imposed.
  • Issue more and more paper currencies. This resulted into inflation.
  • Compensation amount as 660 million pounds for cause of WW-I.
  • Opposition against these provisions. Germany was not responsible for World War I, there was no need to pay the heavy amount of war indemnity.
Dawes Plan
  • Financial crisis in Germany forced the Weimar Republic to make an appeal to the allies for the reduction of the amount of reparation.
  • Committee consisting of ten members, chairmanship of Dawes.
  • Amendments to the provision of the Treaty of Versailles in known as Dawes Plan.
  • Financial burden of Germany was reduced to certain level.
  • Problem of reparation again appeared in 1929 the Young Committee.
Hitler and the Nazi Germany
  • Born in April 1889 in a very humble family in an Austrian village. He could not get proper education.
  • Father wanted to make his son a government employee. Very fond of art from his early days.
  • Went to Vienna, age of 18 to learn the art of painting and architecture, witness the behavior of the Jews.
  • Felt, Jews were the moral enemies of individualism, nationalism and racialism also felt, Jews were the supporters of the Marxian ideology.
  • Anti- Jews ideas developed at very early age
  • He opposed to democracy & believed in the supremacy of the German race.
  • Joined the army and participated in the war, honoured with the award of the 'Iron Cross'
  • Believed Jews and the communists were responsible for the defeat of Germany.
  • Work as a spy in Munich, new party with the cooperation of his friends National Socialist German Labour Party was launched.
Nazi Party
  • Hitler started the National Socialist Party or Nazi Party. Symbol of 'Swastika'.
  • To attract the young people, started 'Hitler Young Society'.
  • Form two military bodies
    • Wearing brown shirts with a red armband carrying a black Swastika.
    • 'Black Shirts' - body guards of the Nazi party leaders.
  • 1932, Hitler contested for the post of President, defeated with a few votes against Hindenburg.
  • General election, party became the largest party in the parliament.
  • Hitler was made the Chancellor, formed the Nazi Government.
  • Dictatorship of the Nazi Party,
    • Communist party was banned and its leaders were arrested.
    • The civil rights of the people were suspended.
    • The Weimar Republic came to an end.
    • Hitler declared the establishment of the Third Reich.
    • The flag of the Nazi Party became the National flag.
    • The Parliament was dissolved.
    • The powers of the parliament were transferred to Hitler.
Anti- Jew Policy
  • He believed that they were anti- nationals.
  • Anti- Jew Laws were passed & several efforts to crush the Jews.
  • Jews denied German citizenship.
  • Adopted very harsh and repressive measures for the economic and cultural boycott of the Jews.
Military Reforms
  • Basis of German nationality. Germans alone were admitted into the military service.
  • Totalitarian type of government, follow aggressive foreign policy.
Foreign Policy of Hitler
  • Not approve the Treaty of Versailles.
  • German people accepted the policy of Hitler and accepted him as their leader.
German came out of the League of Nations
  • Following the League of Nations Disarmament Conference on February 3, 1932.
  • Hitler withdrawal from the League, started the process of rearming Germany.
  • After the Geneva Disarmament, Hitler withdrew from the League of Nations free to rearm Germany.
  • Compulsory military training for all German people. Aimed to have air force equal to that of England and France.
  • France and England had natural suspicion over these actions of Hitler.
  • Meeting at Stressa in Switzerland and condemned the behaviour of Hitler.
Militarization of Rhineland
  • Rhineland was to be demilitarised, according to the Treaty of Versailles.
  • March 7, 1936, Hitler sent his army into the heart of Rhineland and started the construction of fortifications.
  • Golden opportunity to stop the aggressive behaviour of Hitler was lost by both England and France.
The Spanish Civil War
  • 1931, Republic had been proclaimed in Spain in 1931.
  • 1936, General Franco started a Civil War against the Republic.
  • Germany and Italy supported Franco whereas Russia supported the Republicans.
  • Republicans were defeated and the dictatorship of Franco was established.
  • Italy and Germany friendship was converted into a treaty.
Rome- Berlin -Tokyo Axis
  • October 1936, On the basis of an agreement Germany approved Italian control over Abyssinia and Italy granted permission to Hitler to annex Austria with Germany.
  • Signed an Anti- Commintern Pact with Japan admitted into the alliance.
  • Anti Commintern pact was otherwise called as Rome –Berlin-Tokyo Axis, against England, France and Russia is the beginning of Second World War.
  • On becoming Germany’s Chancellor in 1933, aggressive foreign policy led to the Second World War.
  • Similarly, Mussolini organized the Fascist movement in Italy, believed in dictatorship, aggressive foreign policy and colonial policy.
  • Emerged as the Il Duce or supreme commander.
  • Emergence of dictatorship in Europe paved the way for Second World War.


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