
 Jainism (Early as Nirgranthas)

Life of Mahavira
  • kshatriya prince of the Lichchhavis, a group that was part of the Vajji sangha.
  • Father – Siddhartha (Jnatrika clan chief), Mother - Trishala
  • 12 years he led a hard and lonely life, at 13th year he attained enlightenment (Nirvana).
  • Became Tirthankara called as Jina or Mahavira.
  • Died at 72 in Pavapuri.
  • last and 24th tirthankara of the Jainas, Vardhamana Mahavira
  • Ordinary people could understand the teachings of Mahavira
  • Prakrit spoken in Magadha was known as Magadhi. Followers of Mahavira, who were known as Jainas,
Doctrines and Principles
  • Non-violence (Leave their homes, not hurting or killing living being) & Not worshipped.
  • Simple lives, begging for food. They had to be absolutely honest, and were especially asked not to steal
  • World is Soul (jivi) & matter (ajiva). coming together creates karma (action).
  • Practice severe austerities and self-mortification.
  • Right faith (samyag-darshana)
  • Right knowledge (samyag-jnana)
  • Right conduct (samyag-mahavrata)
Five Great Vows (pancha-mahavrata)
  • Not to kill or injure (ahimsa)
  • Not to steal (asteya)
  • Not to lie (satya)
  • Celibacy (brahmacharya)
  • Not to possess property (aparigraha)
  • Jainism was supported mainly by traders.
  • Jainism spread to different parts of north India, and to Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
Jain Councils
  • Jaina monks under Bhadrabahu went south to maintain their strict discipline.
  • Remained without garments - Digambaras (space-clad or naked).
  • Under the leadership of Sthulabhadra and adopted a white garment - Svetambaras (White-clad).
  • death of Bhadrabahu, Shulabhadra held a Great Council at Pataliputra. Compiled the jana canon - 12 angas (limbs).
  • Another council in in Valabhi, Gujarat - 12 upangas.
  • Early jaina texts - AcharrangasutraSutrakritanga & Kalpasutra.
Jainism in Tamilnadu
  • 3rd Century CE - Around Madurai.
  • mention of death of Kopperuncholan by fasting in chol Purananuru is considered by some to be similar to Jaina practice of sallekhana.
  • NaladiyarPalamoliJivaka ChinthamaniYapperunkalam KarikaiNeelakesi are some of the prominent Jaina works in Tamil.
  • 470 CE a Jaina Dravida Sangha was established in Madurai by Vajranandi.
  • Part of Kanchipuram - Jaina Kanchi
Decline of Jainism in India
  • Absence of royal patronage, split amongst Jains as Digambaras and Swetambaras, lack of missionary zeal, factionalism and the severity of practices, and spread of Buddhism as a rival faith led to the decline of Jainism in India.


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