Industrial Disaster & Distribution of Major Industries

Industrial Disaster

  • Due to technical failure or irresponsible handling of hazardous material.
  • Example in India: Bhopal on 3rd December - Highly Poisonous Methyl Isocynate (MIC) gas along with Hydrogen Cyanide and other reaction products leaked out of the pesticide factory of Union Carbide. Official death toll was 3,598 in 1989.
  • 23rd December 2005, gas well blowout in Gao Qiao, Chongging, China, 243 people died, 9,000 injured and 64,000 were evacuated.
Risk Reduction Measures
  1. Densely populated residential areas should be separated far away from the industrial areas.
  2. People staying in the vicinity of industries should be aware of the storage of toxins or hazardous substances and their possible effects in case if an accident occurs.
  3. Fire warning and fighting system should be improved.
  4. Storage capacity of toxic substances should be limited.
  5. Pollution dispersion qualities in the industries should be improved.
Distribution of Major Industries
  • Major Industries Iron & Steel, Textile & Information Technology.
  • Iron and steel industry - Germany, USA, China, Japan and Russia.
  • Textile industry - India, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan
  • Information technology industry – Silicon Valley of Central California and the Bangalore region of India.
  • Emerging industries are also known as ‘Sunrise Industries’ Ex: Information technology, Wellness, Hospitality and Knowledge.


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