India's National Security Issues and Indian Media Record & Measures to tackle

 India's National Security Issues and Indian Media Record:

  • India's Nuclear Weapons Test 1998: The Indian media went berserk in politicising the issue. It chimed that there were no national security threats in evidence justifying it. Within seven months the Kargil War took place.
  • Pakistani Proxy War in J&K: The media has been totally irresponsible. India's strategic sensitivities are constantly ignored and there is a competition to adopt extreme liberalist views. One theme often stressed is of Kashmiri alienation. Had that been so, Pakistan by now would have inflicted a Bangladesh on India.
  • Kargil War: Instead of marshalling the nation into a cohesive force, the Indian media playing partisan political roles at the height of the war, were busy stoking controversies as to how it happened.
  • Agra Summit: The summit had more to do with India's national security interests than political diplomacy. The Indian Media went berserk in focusing and projecting General Musharraf's view point than advancing India's interests. What a comparison to the Pakistani journalists who utilised India's electronic media space to defend and advance their country's interests.
  • India's Military Mobilisation December 2001: Pakistan did not have to use ISI to spy on India's mobilisation efforts and moves of its strategic formations. The Indian media was doing the job.
  • 26/11 Attacks and subsequent Military Operation details were Live telecasted
  • Terrorists pre-empted the Indian Operations.
  • Live Coverage of Pathankot attacks.
  • War Cry after the Pulwama attacks.
  • Abhinandhan, Wing Commander’s Family details were publicised in Media, while he was still in Pakistan.
  • Attitude of degrading or crying foul about diplomatic compromise taken by Govt to solve long standing issues.
Measures to tackle
  • Self-regulatory standards, Code of ethics; Self-Regulatory Board – Press Trust of India (PTI) and the News Broadcasters Association (NBA).
  • Accuracy in reporting; error correction; transparency.
  • Fake news buster – Self, Other initiatives.
  • AI Based fake news identification and Removal.
  • Neutrality, Impartiality and objectivity.
  • To ensure crime and violence are not glorified. (Ex: Encounter of Rapist is glorified).
  • Privacy.
  • Sting operations - Ultimate Restraint with Utilitarian principles.
  • Avoid Paid news and focus on ethical journalism.


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