Indian Ranking in Various report

  • Global Multi-dimensional Poverty Index – UNDP
    • 66/109 – 2021
  • Global Happiness Index – INSDSN
    • 139/149 – 2021
  • Inequality adjusted HDI
    • Top 1% of population fold more than 1/5th of total national Income in 2021.
    • LPG reform benefited top 1%
    • 131/189 countries – 2020
  • Gender Inequality Index
    • Health
      • Meternol Mortality Rate (MMR)
      • Adoleocent Fertility Rate
    • Empowerment
      • Share in Parliamentary Seat
      • Share in Higher Education
    • Labour Force
      • Women LFPR
      • 46/132 countries (2021)
  • Global Innovation Indes
    • World IPR Origin
    • 46th Rank
  • Freedom of Net 2020
    • 51st Rank
    • Obstacles to access, limits on content & violation of user rights.
  • Global Economic Freedom Index
    • 105th in 2020
  • World press freedom index
    • 142/80 country


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