India - West Asia Relation

Saudi Arabia – Sunni Muslim (USA Support), Iran – Shia Muslim (Russia Support), Israel – Jews, Turkey – Arabs (Sunni Muslim) population..
God - Mosses version – Jews, Jesses version – Christian & Muhamad version – Muslims.
Next to Muhamad – Abu Bakr (Sunni Muslim) & Ali ibn Abi Talib (Shia Muslim)
Jihad - a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam:
Assad – Russia & Iran Support, Rebellion in Syria – USA & Saudi Arabia Support.
Assad chemical boom & many humanitarian crimes done on civilian, so other nation support Rebellion. Assad plan and release the Terrorist already in jail. The terrorist join to Rebellion and do boom blast & terror attack. So Rebellion lost other nation support.
The Terrorist in Iraq is free because dead of Saddam Hussein, so they join to Rebellion of Syria (They are anti-USA mindset because of Saddam Hussein killed by USA). So they get trained & get arms & amenities and create ISIS and attack all (USA, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia). ISIS capture part in Syria, and create old caliphate system (Old Mohamed Rule).
So, ISIS fully defeated by USA & recapture the territory.
Kurds – People live in border of Turkey & Syria, they use this fight and ask for separate country. (Kurdish people fight against Turkey [Russia Support], Syria [USA Support], also fight against ISIS).
Presently Kurdish vs Turkey war going. Reason said by turkey is, they had nearly 30,00,000 refuge. The capture part of Syria & make it as safe zone & settle the refuges there.
Ottoman empire origin in turkey. Conflict between Turkey & Saudi Arabia who is authority of Islam. So Saudi Arabia do many reforms.
Iran Nuclear Deal
  • Iran enrich the uranium & make nuclear weapon, Obama put sanction and say stop the nuclear weapon development.
  • Iran accept it and say Nuclear is used only for peaceful purposes, USA cancel the sanctions. It is Iran Nuclear Deal.
  • Saudi & other country convinces (Pressure) US President (Trump) cancel the deal & put sanction, because all sanction removes Iran became strong economy. – So Iran start making nuclear enrichment.
  • Biden came say stop the nuclear enrichment they USA cancel sanction, but Iran ask to cancel the sanction then they stop the Nuclear enrichment, this is the current problem going there.
  • Vienna talks - P4+1 group of countries began. (Except USA).
Israel & Palestine
  • Pope dominated Europe says Jews are massacred. Hitler is also Jews hate rate.
  • Judaism – Movement of Jews people ask for separation nation on the place of Mosses birth. (Mosses, Jesus, Abu & Ali all born in current Israel).
  • At the time Palestine (Israel/Palestine) under British control. British says Two state solution - separate Palestine into two create Palestine & Israel (for Jews) in 1947.
  • Palestine people don’t like it they want to capture Israel, so they start war against Israel (Saudi, Iran, Gordon & Lebanon support Palestine) but Jews of Israel is supported by USA.
  • So Israel won the war and capture more Palestine territory.
  • In 1967, another war Palestine (Supported by Saudi, Iran, Gordon & Lebanon) & Israel supported by USA, Israel capture entire Palestine & also some part of Syria, Egypt, Gordon lands.
  • Pressure of Saudi, USA come to negotiation. Palestine come to two state solution but Israel don’t accept it. Israel say, we give some territory (west bank), Palestine is part of Israel but we give autonomous status.
  • But Israel start placing Jews settlement in Palestine territory. Now it is not possible to make two state solution. (In 2012 above map green is Palestine & white is Israel).
  • In 1991 Israel, separate west bank into 3, Palestine full autonomy, Palestine with Some Israel security forces & combined. So India bilateral relation is going in Israel, but India support Two State Solution. But in Gaza there is still problem.
Importance of West Asia for India
  • Energy security: 70 per cent of India’s imported energy needs come from West Asia.
  • Geostrategic importance: To reduce the influence of china in west Asia and in Arabian Sea. China is continuously making in road to west Asia through OBOR initiative.
  • West Asia is also gate way to land locked and energy rich central Asia.
  • Security of Indian community: India is the largest recipient of foreign remittances from west Asia.
  • About 11 million Indians work in West Asia. Therefore, stability in the region is high on India’s core agenda.
  • To counter radicalization: close cooperation is essential with west Asian nations.
Challenges in west Asia
  • Political instability: The security situation in West Asia has been continuously deteriorating ever since the onset of the Arab Spring in December 2010. E.g. Syria, Yemen and Iraq crises.
  • Involvement of global and regional powers: The involvement of extra-regional players such as the USA and Russia in the internal conflicts in West Asia has further aggravated the situation.
  • Terrorism: Terrorism has emerged as the biggest security threat to the region. The rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is the most disturbing trend.
  • Regional Conflicts: such as the Arab Israel conflict and the Saudi-Iran rivalry create destabilizing effect in West Asia. India has to balance its ties with all three-regional power in west Asia-Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
  • US Sanctions on Iran: US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal and has threatened to impose economic sanctions on Iran. This may weaken the dialogue mechanisms, embolden conservatives and may threaten the regional stability even more. India also has significant oil trade with Iran and stakes in connectivity through Chahbahar port and other projects.
  • Pakistan factor: Pakistan is very close ally of many west Asian countries especially with GCC.
Look West Policy:
  • A Secular and Non- Aligned Policy: India’s policy towards the region will be shaped by its policy of non - alignment in the context of the region’s religious (Muslims and Jews) and sectarian (Shia-Sunni) conflicts.
  • Diplomacy at various levels: Commitment to Diplomacy outlining closer government-to-government (G2G) relations draws attention to the vibrant business-to-business (B2B) and people-to-people (P2P) relationships.
  • Move towards India’s Non-Ideological Policy: In practical terms this meant devising a policy that was driven more by economic calculation than political rhetoric.
  • Major emphasis on Maritime Diplomacy: The seas surrounding West Asia have assumed a major emphasis in Look West Policy due to energy and economic security they offer now for India.
Things to Note:
  1. Two State Solution.
  2. De-hyphenation of Israel Palestine.
  3. Abraham Accords (Peace deal between Israel, Egypt, Gordon & give back the territory captured in Israel, Palestine war. Recently UAE & Bahrain sign peace deal to Israel is Abraham Accord, (UAE, two condition - don’t capture Jerusalem & stop new settlement in Palestine territory, Israel accept it).
  4. West Asian Quad (Idea to create with USA, UAE, Israel India).


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