Human Geography

 Human Resources

  • Population (Except children & Old age people)
  • Population + Skill + Job +Productivity + Production → GDP Growth.
  • Human Development Index.
Approaches of Human Geography
  • Human Ecology – Study of Relation Between Physical, Natural & Human World, spatial distribution of human phenomena & how come about the socio & economic difference between parts of the world. (Relation between man & Nature)
  • Dualism & Dichotomy (Two things difference never mingle) in approaches of geography, branching subject into 2 parts which are opposing.
Systematic Vs Regional Geography
  • Systematic/General Geography – Study by concept wise (Ex: Mountain as whole in World) – Analytical (World level Phenomena. Ex: Koeppen Classification of Climate)
  • Regional Geography – Study by regional wise (Ex: Asia, Europe) – Uniqueness.
Physical Geography Vs Human Geography
  • They are separate. but recently, they are study together called continousm.
  • Ex: study landforms, later study of resources, Agriculture etc…
Determinism vs Possibilism
Environmental Determinism
  • Man is passive, Nature is  effective force.
  • It is a view which holds that  environmental feature directly determine aspects of human behavior and  society.
  • Naturalisation of Human or  Depend on Nature only
  • Animism (Tribal religion,  devotion of tree, cow, donkey etc…), Disasters, Agriculture etc...
  • Man is active, Modifies nature
  • Possibilism can be observed in  any situation where human conquer their environment, such as through building  road through arid land or establishing radical settlements in hospitable  conditions.

Quantitative Revolution Vs Behaviouralism
  • Quantitative Revolution – Using scientific principle & Quantitative analysis. Ex: theory, laws
  • Behaviouralism – Cognitive & Decision making variable. Not Optimizers, but satisfiers.
              Normative Model → Several Assumption.
Inductive → General Statement out of Specific Behaviors.
                  Environment ↔ Image ↔ behavior
                             ↑                                      |
Idiographic Vs Nomeothetic
  • Idiographic – All place is unique.
  • Nomeothetic – Find similarity between Places, Phenomena, general law. Systematic /General Geography.
Gather Data → Look for Pattern → Develop theory.
Theories/ Hypothesize → Analyze data → Prove/ disapprove.
Modernism Vs Post-Modernism
  • Traditional form outdated.
  • Self-Consiousness
  • 20th century  starting, re-examination of every aspect of existence → Process finding  faults.
  • Truth is Subjective.
  • No definite terms, boundaries,  absolute truth exist.
  • Nationalism → Divide people  environmentalist.
Definition of Human geography
  • It is the study of the changing relationship between unresting man & the unstable earth.
  • Natural – Landform, Soil, Climate etc…
  • Manmade – Road, Port etc…
    • Physical environment modification by human → Cultural Landscape.
    • Knowledge about nature → Development of technology → Move away from nature.
    • Necessities → Possibilities.
    • Primitive societies → Technology World.
Environmental Determinism
  • It is a view which holds that environmental feature directly determine aspects of human behavior and society.
  • Animism (Tribal religion, devotion of tree, cow, donkey etc…), Disasters, Agriculture etc...
  • With technology → More freedom & Possibilities.
  • It is a school of thought in that says that although the natural environment places certain constraints and limitation on human life, culture is determined independently of nature by human social condition.
  • Humanisation of nature → Artificial lakes, Island, Rain etc…
  • Grifith Taylor.
  • Stop & Go determinism.
  • Environmental act as a traffic controller – It is of view that possibilities can be created within the limits which don’t affect the environment. Human can control nature by obeying them. or
  • You can develop to an extent, but you should not adversely impact the environment, otherwise the environment show its disaster.
  • Free rider problem/ Tragedy of Commons, Over consumption of Shared resources.
  • Approach that understandings human behaviours or activity in space, place & Environment by studying it at the disaggregate level of analysis at the level of an individual person.
  • 1950s.
Humanistic Approach
  • Anthropocentric approach, human at center is the central in the solution to complex problem.
  • Human awarness, Consciousness & creativity helps in understanding meaning, value & significance of life event & human being.
  • Journal → ‘Antipode’.
  • Ex: Vietnam war & defeat of US.
  • Apartheid
  • Poverty & Hunger
  • Need alternation of the operating societal process by changing relatives of production component


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