
  • Since governance is not about government, rather it is about how governments and other social organizations interact, how they relate to citizens, and how decisions are taken in a complex world.
  • Governance is a process in which various public institution and Organisation make their important decision to deliver the service, what demanded by the people in an efficient way.
  • World Bank defines “governance as the institutional capacity of public organization to provide the public and other goods demanded by a countries citizen in effective, transparent, impartial, accountable manner subject to resource constraints”.
  • It is process to strengthening the public institution.
  • It demands for the multiple stake holders to facilitate the services to achieve activity in efficient manner.
  • Government ensures accountability, effective, transparent, impartial & Market ensure a qualitative product.
      • Line Agencies – Policy implementation.
      • Staff Agencies – Policy Formation.
  • Government is an institution, it has sovereignty, it derives its power from law. Study of Government Process is Governance.
  • Before 1980’s the government focus only how to strength the government. They give more input and excepted for more output. They don’t know about the process (Governance) it’s the limitation in before 1980’s.
  • Ex: Like Computer: There is Input & Output device but they don’t think about the processing Unit, like that government give Input (Fund) and take Output (Delivery of Services) don’t think about the Governance (Process). 
  • The Civil society, Media, Judiciary, Private participation questioning the government, the need of effective, transparent, impartial, accountable etc… Focus & Strengthening of Process is Governance to deliver better services.
  • To strengthen institution (Government) focus on Governance.
  • Population Increase, World Developed - Rights based approach Developed (Right to have the services). Government Realise that government only is not able to facilitate the service for the people.
  • Government is not the institution to manufacture some of the commercial goods. Ex: Car, Scooter manufacture etc... to diversified it, entry of various stake holders, need of market based approach (If private can facilitate, they done it. Market determined on demand & Supply).
  • NGO’s, Civil Society, Media, pressure group, political party participate in the affairs of the State government.
  • Instructional Pluralism – Many service provides (More educational Institution. Ex Government, Private, International).
Emergence of Governance
  • Governance is not a new phenomenon it was practiced since civilization started and developed its progress in various time period.
  • In an Indian polity and History, we already studied various political and administrative development happen in the various Empire, dynasty (Gupta, Mauryas, Delhi sultanate and Mughal administration).
  • The major reforms in the Governance was experienced since British rule in order to maximise their profit and revenue.
  • There were many political and administrative reforms were done.
  • Major reforms such as Rule of Law, Introduced Modern Civil service, Centralization of Power, Separating Executive from Judiciary, Value neutral Bureaucracy, Budgeting, Committee system etc.
  • Though all these reforms done by British but it was not for the benefit of Indian Citizens.
Pre British – British – After Independence – After 1991
After Independence
Sovereignty, social, secular, democratic & Republic to achieve justice, liberty, equality & fraternity by means of Fundamental Rights & DPSP set up → Separation of power (Legislative, Executive and Judiciary) and Division of power (Federal Structure) → Constitutional & Non constitutional Body (UPSC, Election Commission. CAG, Human Rights Commission) → Strengthening the Institution (Government) → Transparence & accountability.
  • After India got an Independence, by enacting an Indian constitution it ensures a Parliamentary democratic form of Government.
  • By observing the Preamble, we as the people demand for an ideal such as Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity as a governing value. To give shape to those it also adopts Fundamental Rights and DPSP and Justiciable and non-Justiciable rights.
  • To ensure an effective governance, government as an Institution brings various initiative such as Separation of power (Legislative, Executive and Judiciary) and Division of power (Federal Structure), Independent Constitutional Bodies as watch dog such as CAG, Election Commission, UPSC etc, and bring various civil service reforms etc.
  • Though government bring various initiatives but it identified corruption, Lack of transparency, accountability were reasons for poor governance. Introduction of LPG (1991) demand for a major administrative and structural reform in order to engage multiple stake holders in order to ensure effective Governance.
  • It was often strongly supported by International organization such as world Bank, IMF, G20, OECD etc.
  • It also brings a new meaning for the Governance such as
    • Governance refers to the development of governing styles in which boundaries between and within public and private sector has become blurred.
  • It summarizing the perspective of Governance and laid down 5 dimensions to governance
    1. Governance refers to the complex set of Institutions and actors (Market and Civil society) that have drawn from but beyond the Government.
    2. Governance recognised the underlying boundaries and responsibilities for tackling socio and Economic issues.
    3. The Government identifies the power dependence involving collective actions.
    4. The Governance is all about autonomous self-governing network of Actors.
    5. Governance recognized capacity to do things done which does not rest on the power of the Government to command or use its authority. It sees Government as able to use new tools and techniques to steer and Guide.
Simple says,
  • Reactive → Proactive
  • Output based → Outcome based
  • Rule based (Strict based Rules) → Role Based (Management skill, interpersonal skill, entrepreneurship skill & Risk taking Mechanism)
  • Governance style shift.

  • Government facilitate Civil society (Like Trust act for NGO’s) & Private Sector (Company Act)
  • The Government, Civil Society & Private Sector are complex institution, the boundary between them are blurred.
  • Before 1991, Civil Society & Private Sector under Government Control, after LPG reforms, RTI, other acts make Civil Society & Private Sector Independence, they can question on government. But Civil Society & Private Sector under power dependent on Government


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