
 Statistical study of human Population

  • Population
    • World (2022) – 1.0%
    • India (2022) -  1.0%
  • Population growth rate
    • World (2022) – 7.9 billion
    • India (2021) – 1.39 billion
Population - Age
0 – 14
15 – 64
  • Population Growth – Increase number of people in population
  • Population distribution – way the people are spaced over the earth surface. (Spread is uneven).
  • 10 Most popular countries – 60% of population.
Population Density
    • = Population/Area
  • Ecumene
    • High density Region. Ex: South Africa.
    • Moderate Density Region. Ex: Savana of Brazil.
  • Non-Ecumene (<10% Population)
    • Sporadic. Ex: Ooty (Less Population)
Factors responsible for population density
  • Geographic
    • Water
    • Landform
    • Climate
    • Soil
  • Economic
    • Industrialisation
    • Urbanisation
    • Minerals
  • Socio-Political Culture
    • Stability
    • Culture
    • Society
Theocracy – Ruled by Holy Book (Ex: Quran).
Demographic Dividend in India
  • Birth Rate
    • The number of live births per 1,000 populations in a given year.
    • Crude birth rate – BR in Mid-Year population.
      • World
      • India
  • Death Rate
    • The number of deaths per 1,000 populations in a given year. (DR =7.3 in India).
    • Crude death rate – DR in Mid-Year Population.
      • World
      • India
Crude – Because it does take into account of age or sex difference among the population.
  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
    • It is the average number of children expected to be born per woman during her entire span of reproductive period.
      • World – 2.4 (2019)
          • India – 2.2 (2019); 2.5 for rural areas and 1.8 for urban areas.
  • Replacement Rate
    • Average number of child born per women at which a population exactly replace itself from one generation to the next without migration.
      • World -
      • India – 2.1
  • Infant mortality rate (IMR)
    • Which is the number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births.
      • World – 27.974 - (2019)
      • India - 28.3 (Very High) – (2020)
  • Maternal mortality rate (MMR)
    • The number of maternal deaths in a population divided by the number of women of reproductive age, usually expressed per 1,00,000 live births
      • World – 153 (2020)
      • India – 113 (2018)
  • Sex ratio (943)
    • Number of females/1000 males Calculated in India, No of Male/ 100 Female calculated in World.
      • World – 101 male/100 female
      • India – India 1020 female/1000 Male
    • Women: Biological Advantage, but Social Disadvantage.
    • Better sex ratio is not always means women empowerment, but men migration.
  • Child Sex ratio (918)
    • Number of female child/1000 male child (0-6 Years)
      • World -
      • India - 918/1000 boys (2011) & 927/1000 boys (2000).
  • Labour Force
    • Number of people is employed & Unemployed looking for job.
    • Labour force participation rate
      • World – Male - 56.611 (2020) & Female - 45 (2020)
      • India – Male – 49.80 (2018) & Female – 20.7 (2019)
    • Women in workforce (Women wage = 75% of Men wage)
      • Non-Agriculture – 17%
      • Urban – 13.9%
      • Rural – 29.9%
  • Population Density (343 Persons/KM2)
    • Number of persons in 1 km. square.
  • Life Expectancy
    • Average age of a person except to live in a particular area.
      • World – 72.6 years (2019).
      • India – 70.42 Years (Female – 71.28 & Male – 69.16 years).
  • Natural growth of population
    • Population change by difference between birth & death in a particular region between two point of time.
      • Birth - Death
  • Actual growth of population
    • Birth – Death + In migration – Out Migration.
  • Rural Population of India
    • 65.07% (2022).
    • In 2011 – 1210.2 Million (833.1mn in Rural & 377.1 mn in urban).
  • Doubling Time
    • Time taken to double the size of a constant growth rate.
    • Doubling Time = 70/ Annual Growth Rate
    • For India, AGR is 1%. So, DT is 70 Years (2021)
Meta son Preferance
  • If son born first, many of them don’t want to give birth to net child.
  • The second child may be women. These ace called “Missing Girl”
Invisible Workers
  • Care Economy – Caring work not be paid & Female in agriculture (Feminisation of Agriculture)
  • Ex: House wife, prisonor, Child labour, Bonded labour, transgender (Sex labour).
Caring Capacity of an area
  • It means that the resources available to support the growing population.
Ecological food Print > Ecological caring capacity
Ecological Overshoot
Spatial Pattern of Population Change
  • Economic Depth inversely proportional to population growth.
  • PGR – Low in Developed Countries & High in Developing Country.
  • Decline in PGR ≠ Decline in Population
  • Poverty Breech Population
  • Education is the best contrapective
  • Inertia – A body in Rest of constant motion unless applied of an external force
Population Inertia
  • People never moved out in a particular place even after some disaster.
  • Ex: Pest attack in an area, but some people not vacate the area, because it is their homeland.
Industrial Inertia
  • Industrial development in a particular area, so people migrated to the place.
  • Later, the industry closed permanently, but people lived in a same area.
  • Ex: KGF is a gold Mining place, people migrated to KGF for work, but now KGF closed permanently, but people live in same place because of Resource available (School, College, Other Work etc…).


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