Demographic Transition Theory

  • “The economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population’s age structure, mainly when the share of the working-age population (15 to 64) is larger than the non-working-age share of the population (14 and younger, and 65 and older)”.
      • 0-14 = 27.5 %
      • 15-59 = 64%
      • 60 = 8.5%
  •  High Stationary – BR↑↑ & DR↑↑ - Till 1920, In India population Stationary.
  • Early Expanding – BR↑↑ & DR↓ - Population Growth.
  • Late Expanding – BR↓ & DR↓↓ - BR>DR, Population growth deceleration.
  • Low StationaryBR↓↓ & DR↓↓ - BR = DR, Population Stationary.
  • Faf Decline – BR < DR.
Steps to Harvest the Demographic Dividend
Converting Population into Human Capital
  • Providing Health care at Pre and Post Natal stage.
  • Strengthening Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Care.
  • Revamping Education system and increasing the quality.
  • Demand based Skill development.
  • Improve ease of doing business to expand business and create more jobs.
  • Start up and Entrepreneurship support.
  • Act of people moving from one place to another, Population Growth/Decline.
  • 450 million internal migrations in India.
  • In 2011 – WB says, 37% of country population.
    • Migration - Place of Origin to Place of Destination.
    • ReverseMigration - Place of Destination to Place of Origin.
    • Emigration (Push Factor) – Lack of Jobs, Unpleas Climate, Political Turmoil etc…
    • Immigration (Pull Factor) – Job Opportunities, Living Condition Peace etc…
    • Brain Drain, Brain Circulation, Diaspora, Climate/ Environmental Migrants
Population Control Methods
  • Social Measure
    • Minimum age of Marriage
    • Raising status of women
    • Spread of Education
    • Social Security
  • Economical Measure
    • Development of Agriculture Industry
    • Standard of Living
    • Urbanisation
  • Other Measure
    • Late Marriage
    • Family planning
    • Publicity
    • Incentives
    • Employment of Women
    • Child tax, Contraception, Reducing IMR, One-Child Policy, Sterilization – Tubectomy (Female) & Vasectomy (Male)


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