American Revolution

American War of independence
  • During the age of Discovery, Spain and particles. Took the lead in exploring the new places.
  • South America was colonized by Spain
  • English and the French established their colonies in the North America. Hindu course of time. Germany, Sweden, France, Italy and Dutch went to America and settle.
  • English acquired New Amsterdam from Dutch and rename in New York.
  • Policies followed by the home government (Britain) had resulted in the confrontation. This ultimately led to the American War of Independence.
Life in 13th Colonies
  •  Southern Part, fertile land and agriculture.
  •  Northern state. Devoid of agriculture and farmland,  Show mills for cutting timber, shipbuilding & mining, the grain are developed.
  •  Government appointed by the British monarchy. Woman has no voting rights. Among the Men's who paid tax and own land are voted.
  • Initially Cordial relationship with indigenous people of America. Later. They were disposed of Their lands are liquidated.
Causes for American War of independence.
  • Navigation act: Neglecting the interest of colonies, Mandate colonist product should be exported only in British Ship, Prohibiting the manufacture of certain articles in the colonies.
  • Seven Years War or 7 year work (1756 - 63): 
    • End of the Seven Years War in 1763 and the transfer of Canada from France to England.
    • Colonies assembly didn't cooperate with them other country. English conquest of Canada and removal of all dangers from the French made the British Government to feel secure.
Taxes on colonies
Early Act
  • Navigation Acts - goods of both exports and imports should be carried in ships owned by England.
  • Hat Act of 1732 prohibited the import of hats from one colony to the other.
  • Iron Act 1750 stopped the large-scale production of iron in the colonies.
After Seven Years War
  • Proclamation of 1763 prohibited the colonists from purchasing lands beyond Appalachian Mountains
  • Sugar and molasses - In 1764 , colonies in the North America were forced to pay this tax and the settlers protest against this by raising the slogan "no taxation without representation"
  • Stamp Tax: In 1765, settlers were forced to use stamps on all legal documents and pay the tax for the use of stamps.
  • Townshend Act
    • Stamp Act was abolished in 1766, because of violence broke, 'No Taxation without Representation'.
    • Next year, imposed taxes on certain goods (Glass, Paper, tea, Paint etc.) imported from Britain.
  • Quartering Act: Compulsory colonists should provide food and shelter to English troops.
  • Boston Massacre: 1770, Lord North, abolished taxes on products except tea. British forces marched on the streets of Boston, Americans criticised the British, angered the British forces who fired against the people (five Americans were killed).
    • Boston Tea Party (1773): 100 activists dressed like Native Americans, boarded the three ships carrying tea and threw 342 boxes into sea at Boston.
    • British Parliament retaliated with severity. General Gage as Governor.
  • Intolerable Acts (1774): Boston Port Bill, Boston harbour was closed until the colonists paid for all the tea thrown into sea.
    • Massachusetts Government Act, replacing the elective local council, and enhancing the powers of the military governor Gage.
    • Administration of Justice Act
    • Intolerable Act (1774), unoccupied buildings to house British troops, known as Coercive Acts.
  • Quebec Act:
    • Awarded the territory between the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the province of Quebec.
    • Permitting French Civil Law and the Roman Catholic religion in the newly carved out area, Britain also provoked the protestant colonies.
Bitterness developed, looking for an opportunity to free themselves from the control of Britain.
Philadelphia Congress
  • September 1774, the first Continental Congress, Representatives of the twelve colonies except Georgia.
  • Second Continental Congress met in May 1775 at Philadelphia, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin participated in it.
  • George Washington was made the Commander-in-Chief of the American army.
  • Representatives of all the colonies, except that of Georgia, demanded the repeal of the Intolerable Acts. Congress decided to boycott the British goods until then - Olive Branch Petition. king proclaimed American colonies as state of rebellion.
Outbreak of War
  • January 176, Thomas Paine came to America from England and issued a pamphlet "Common Sense"
  • On 4 July 1776, all the 13 colonies declared independence from Britain. The declaration of independence was essentially the work of Thomas Jefferson.
  • Declaration laid emphasis on the unalienable rights of men namely, “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness”.
  • British army was led by William Howe while the American forces were led by George Washington. British forces defeated Washington.
  • In 1777, Battle of Saratoga, General Gates led American Army, British General Burgoyne was forced to surrender.
  • British forces surrendered to the American forces in 1781 at York Town.
Solidarity of European Powers with Colonists
  • Countries in Northern Europe including Prussia, Sweden and Denmark formed the ‘Armed neutrality’ against Great Britain. Britain was in turmoil as it had to face Britain.
  • French, followed by the Spanish and the Dutch, helped the American colonies in this the Dutch, helped the American colonies in this war of independence.
  • Colonists split into two divisions: the Patriots who wanted freedom and the Loyalists who wanted to remain loyal to the British crown.
  • Loyalists, called Tories, they belonged to the Anglican Church.
Treaty of Paris
  • British troops under the command of General Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown in 1781.
  • New Prime Minister Lord Rockingham started the peace talks. 
  • George Washington (1732–1799), first president of the United States of America, founding fathers of America.
Important Provisions of the Treaty
  • Britain recognised the freedom of 13 colonies and the formation of a new country called the United States of America.
  • The area bordered by Mississippi River on the west and the 31st parallel in the south went to USA.
  • France gained certain British territories in West Indies, India and Africa.
  • Spain obtained Florida from Great Britain
  • Holland and England maintained the status quo that prevailed before the war.
Significance of American Revolution
  • Concepts of democracy and republic. America became first democratic government with a written constitution
  • Political and social changes, lines of democracy and equality. Ensured fundamental rights to the citizens of the U.S.A.
  • Not only a war against England but against aristocracy and reactionary elements also a fight against colonial domination.
  • Education gained prominence.
  • Federalism became widespread.
  • Capitalism also took strong roots.
  • Democracy with separation of powers on the model suggested by French thinker Montesquieu
  • American Revolution was a setback for colonialism.
  • Free society where every individual was given the freedom every individual was given the freedom of speech, freedom of religion and equal opportunities.
  • "Rights of the sons of the soil", Red Indians and the Negroes were not considered at that time.


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