
  • 50% of persons are engaged in agricultural activity. Two-thirds of India’s population is agricultural activity. Two-thirds of India’s population is still dependent on agriculture.
  • Favourable topography of soil and climate are vital for agricultural activity. The land on which the crops for agricultural activity.
  • Crops are grown is known as arable land.
Agriculture – Art of cultivation.
Sericulture – Commercial rearing of silk worms.
Pisciculture – Breeding of fish.
Viticulture – Cultivation of grapes.
Horticulture - Growing vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use
Farm System
  • Input – Seeds, fertilizers, machinery.
  • Operation – Ploughing, sowing, irrigation, weeding and harvesting.
  • Output – crops, wool, dairy and poultry products.
Land Use Categories
  • Forest: Area under actual forest cover is different from area classified as forest. Area which the Government has identified and demarcated for forest growth.
  • Barren and Wastelands: Barren hilly terrains, desert lands, ravines, etc. Brought under cultivation with the available technology.
  • Land put to Non-agricultural Uses: Settlement, Infrastructure, Industries etc…
  • Area under Permanent Pastures and Grazing Lands: Most land owned by Panchayat or Government. Common Property Resources.
  • Area under Miscellaneous Tree Crops and Groves (Not included in Net Sown Area): land under orchards and fruit trees. Much land is private owner.
  • Culturable Wasteland: left fallow (uncultivated) for more than five years. brought under cultivation after improving it through reclamation practices.
  • Current Fallow: left without cultivation for one or less than one agricultural year.
  • Fallow other than Current Fallow: uncultivated for more than a year but less than five years.
  • Net Area Sown: crops are sown and harvested.
Agriculture land use in India
  • Purely land based activity.
  • Quality of land has a direct bearing on the productivity of agriculture.
  • Productive factor, land ownership has a social value and serves as a security for credit, natural hazards or life contingencies, and also adds to the social status.
  • Land-saving Technology - raise the yield of any particular crop per unit area of land which increase the total output per unit area.
  • Advantage of the latter kind of technology is that along with increasing output from limited land
Cropping Intensity = GCA x 100
Types of Farming
Subsistence Farming
  • Low levels of technology and household labour are used to produce on small output.
Intensive subsistence agriculture
  • Labour-Intensive Farming.
  • Biochemical inputs and irrigation are used for obtaining higher production.
Primitive Subsistence Agriculture
  • Few pockets of India, help of primitive tools like hoe, dao and digging sticks, and family/community labour.
  • Depends upon monsoon, natural fertility of the soil and suitability of other environmental conditions.
  • Does not use fertilisers or other modern inputs
  • Shifting cultivation (‘slash and burn).
    • Amazon basin, tropical Africa, parts of southeast Asia and Northeast India.
    • Heavy rainfall and quick regeneration of vegetation.
    • Other Names, Jhumming - North-East India Milpa –Mexico, Roca - Brazil.  Ladang – Malaysia, Conuco - Venzuela, Masole - Central Africa, Ray – Vietnam, Bewar or Dahiya - Madhya Pradesh, Podu or Penda - Andhra Pradesh, Pama Dabi or Koman or Bringa - Odisha, Kumari - Western Ghats, Valre or Waltre - South-eastern Rajasthan, Khil - Himalayan belt, Kuruwa - Jharkhand.
  • Nomadic herding
    • Herdsmen move from place to place with their animals (Sheep, Camel, Yak) for fodder and water, along defined routes. response to climatic constraints and terrain.
    • Sahara, central Asia & some part of India like Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan.
Commercial farming
  • Crops are grown and animals are reared for sale in market.
  • High dose of Modern input to obtain high productivity.
  • Commercialisation of agriculture varies from one region to another. Ex: Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab, but Odisha, it is a subsistence crop.
Commercial grain farming
  • Only single crop can be grown for commercial purpose. Ex: Wheat & Maize.
  • Temperate grasslands of North America, Europe and Asia.
Mixed farming
  • Growing food and fodder crops.
  • Europe, eastern USA, Argentina, southeast Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
Plantation Agriculture
  • Single crop is grown on a large area.
  • Tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana or cotton are grown processed on the farm itself or in nearby factories.
  • Processing industries and markets plays an important role in the development of plantations.
  • All the produce is used as raw material in respective industries.
  • Rubber in Malaysia, coffee in Brazil, Tea in Sri Lanka. India – Tea in Assam & North Bengal, Coffee in Market.
Land-use Changes in India
  • Size of the economy - pressure on land will increase with time and marginal lands would come under use.
  • The composition of the economy - secondary and the tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector. Result in a gradual shift of land from agricultural uses to non-agricultural uses.
  • Agricultural activities reduce over time, the pressure on land for agricultural activities does not decline
    • Share of population declines much more slowly compared to the decline in the sector’s share in GDP.
    • Number of people that the agricultural sector has to feed is increasing day by day.
  • Increase
    • Forest - Increase in the demarcated area under forest rather than an actual increase.
    • Area Under Non-agricultural use - due to the changing structure of Indian economy (Growth of Industrial & Service Sectors).
    • Current Fallow - Variability of rainfall and cropping cycles.
    • Net Sown Ares - use of culturable waste land for agricultural purpose.
  • Decrease
    • Wastelands and Culturable wastelands – Used for Agriculture & Non Agriculture Purpose.
    • Land under pastures and grazing lands - expansion of cultivation on common pasture lands
Cropping Pattern
Rabi crops
  • Sown in winter from October to December & Harvested in Summer from April to June.
  • Wheat, barley, peas, gram and mustard.
  • Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.
  • Precipitation due to western temperate cyclones. success of the green revolution.
Kharif Crop
  • Onset of monsoon in different parts of the country and these are harvested in September-October.
  • Paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, tur (arhar), moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut and soyabean.
  • Assam, West Bengal, coastal regions of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Maharashtra, particularly the (Konkan coast) along with Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
  • Assam, West Bengal and Odisha, three crops (Aus, Aman and Boro) of paddy are grown Major Crops.
Zaid Crop
  • Between the rabi and the kharif seasons, short season during the summer.
  • Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops. Sugarcane takes almost a year to grow.
Cropping Season
Major Crops Cultivated
Northern States
Southern States
Rice, Cotton,  Bajra, Maize, Jowar, TurRice, Maize,  Ragi, Jowar, Groundnut
Wheat, Gram,  Rapeseeds and Mustard, BarleyRice, Maize,  Ragi, Groundnut, Jowar
Vegetables,  Fruits, fodderRice,  Vegetables, Fodder
Classification of Farming
Basis of main source of moisture for crops – Irrigated and Rainfed (barani).
  • Based on the objective of irrigation.
    • Protective - protect the crops from adverse effects of soil moisture deficiency.
    • Productive - provide sufficient soil moisture to achieve high productivity. Water input in higher than protective.
  • Rainfed farming is classified on the basis of adequacy of soil moisture during cropping season into
    • Dryland farming - Rainfall less than 75 cm. Ex: ragi, bajra, moong, gram and guar (fodder crops)
    • Wetland farming - rainfall is in excess of soil moisture requirement of plants during rainy season. face flood and soil erosion hazards. Ex: Rice, jute and sugarcane
  • Practice aquaculture in the fresh water bodies.


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