Agriculture & Industrial Revolution

Agricultural Revolution
  • Radical changes in the method of agriculture in England in the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • Agricultural Revolution preceded the Industrial Revolution in England.
  • Enclosure of lands, mechanization of farming, four-field crop rotation, and selective breeding of domestic animals.
  • General Enclosure Act of 1801.
  • Machines were introduced for seeding and harvesting, Rotation of crops was introduced by Townshend.
Industrial Revolution
  • Term used by European - Georges Michelet in France and Friedrich Engels in Germany.
  • Aftermath of the French Revolution, Napoleon was holding the entire Europe to ransom, another revolution called Industrial Revolution.
  • Adoption of a system of producing commodities on a large scale in huge factories.
  • First phase of the Revolution - cotton industry, use of steam, coal and iron industries made rapid progress, first passenger railway (1830) & steam boat and use of electric telegraph (1835).
  • Second Industrial Revolution (1870-1914) steel production, petroleum and electricity - Europe and North America.
  • Industrial Revolution forced government to enact laws to improve the conditions of workers.
Main Features
  • Application of science to industry, Factory system - new machines that increased production, developments in faster form of transportation and communication.
Causes of Industrial Revolution in England
  • Impact of Commercial Revolution, seeking new opportunities to invest their surplus wealth.
  • New inventions and the introduction of machinery.
  • Precedence of agricultural revolution
  • Race in establishing colonies overseas, Britain gained supremacy over a period of time. 18th century, British ruled over 25% of the world population in Africa, America and Asia.
  • Markets at home were also expanding as the population grew.
  • The drain of wealth to England from various colonies, notably from India.
  • Enterprising spirit of British entrepreneurs
  • Britain was more liberal. Political stability & Growth of capital.
  • Availability of coal and iron deposits. By 1800 90% of the world’s output.
  • Before the industrial revolution, Britain registered rapid agricultural growth & new farming techniques.
  • Established ports all across the coast.
  • Geographical location safe from foreign invasions.
  • Temperate & climate favourable.
Important Inventions during Industrial Revolution
  • The factory System: Factories became the place where the goods were produced in large quantities.
  • Cotton Industries:
    • Invention of spinning jenny, flying shuttle, water frame and Crompton’s Mule. doubled the weaver’s output.
    • In 1700s, 500 tons of cotton imported to Britain, By 1860, importing 500,000 tons each year. Manchester nick name "Cottonopolis".
  • Iron industries:
    • Steam engines that were used to supply power to the new factories.
    • Coke was smokeless and could produce more heat than charcoal
  • Steam Engines
    • In 1870, American Robert Fulton first successful steam boat.
    • In 1838, first steasmships, the Sirius and the Great Western, crossed the Atlantic
    • Isambard Kingdom Brunel, an English Engineer fully iron ship SS Great Britain in 1843
  • Roads
    • Maintained by turnpikes, who collected toll from the people for the proper management of the roads.
    • John Loudon McAdam invented an effective and economical method of constructing road
  • 1835 the firs electric telegraph came into existence.
Second Stage of Industrial Revolution : Germany and the USA
  • Laboratory of the physicist or chemist than from the brain of the individual inventor
  • Introduction of Automatic machinery, development of banking, and improvement in internal means of communication such as roads and canals.
  • English machines were freely introduced in France and Germany.
  • English scientist Michael Faraday had invented the idea of electricity, few years later the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison had perfected his model of a light bulb for home use. led to making of electrical generators in the 1870s
  • The unification of Germany in 1871 made industrial development more rapid.
Industrial Revolution in USA
  • USA largely an agrarian.
  • Samuel Slater, a citizen of England, In 1793, being the first water-powered roller spinning textile mill in the Americas. By 1800, Slater's mill had been duplicated by many other entrepreneurs.
  • Samuel Slater - Father of the American Industrial Revolution.
  • Samuel F.B. Morse’s - telegraph & Elias Howe’s - sewing machine.
  • Electricity by Thomas Alva Edison (1879) & telephone by Alexander Graham Bell (1876)
  • Revoluation make USA from rural to an urban society. unprecedented urbanisation and territorial expansion.
Impact of Industrial Revolution
Merits of Industrial Revolution
  • Urbanisation
  • Machinery - power machinery rapidly increased production of goods.
  • Intellectual Movement - Schools, colleges, newspapers, libraries, and the radio had been dependent on the capitalistic system for their rapid development.
  • Large Employment
Demerits of Industrial Revolution
  • New Social Problems
    • Accommodation, sanitation, and health were not provided adequately.
    • Sickness and crime prevailed.
    • Bodied men were thrown out of employment by the cheap labour of women and children.
    • Make artisans and weavers jobless.
  • Capitalism - money concentrated in the hands of a few people or Changed people’s approach to life but new wealth went to a small group.
  • Class Division - rich middle class (bourgeoisie) & wage-earning class (proletariat).
  • Growth of Colonialism and Imperialism - useful to obtain raw materials and sell the finished products.
  • Problem in distribution - Solved the problem of production. But not the problem of distribution.
Textile Machinery
John Kay
Richard Arkwright
Samuel Crompton
Edmund Cartwright
Ely Whitney
Elias Howe
Flying Shuttle
Spinning jenny
Water Frame
Spinning Mule
Power Loom
Cotton Gin
Sewing Machine
Coal and Iron Industries
John Smeaton
Henry Bessemen
Sir Humphrey Davy
Safety Lamp
Field of Power
James Watt
George Stephenson
Steam Engine
Field of Transport
John Mc AdamHe used a mud birder to build a type of hard surface road
Alexander Graham BellTelephone


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