Major Landform on Earth

Major Landforms

  • First order – Continents/Ocean Basins
  • Second order – Relief Structure (Mountain, Plateaus, Plains)
  • Third order – Form due to Action of Climatic agents (Running water, wind, Glacial, Waves/Currents, Ground Water).
Orogeny (Mt Formation)
  • Pre-Cambrian – Aravalli’s
  • Caledonian orogeny about 360 million ago (Candenary country: Norway, Finland, Sweden)
  • Heregonian – about 240 Million years (Ural: Asiatic Russia from Europe Russia & Appalachian: North western part of USA).
  • Alpline – About 30 Million years. They are young fold Mountain (Rockies, Andes, Alps, Atlas, Himalayas).
Types of Mountain
  • Fold Mountain – Structural Mt
  • Block Mountain – Structural Mt
  • Volcanic Mountain – Mt of Accumulation
  • Residual Mountain – Mt of Denudation
Fold Mountain & Types
  • Anticline Simple fold
  • Asymmetric fold
  • Over fold
  • Recumbent fold
  • Over thrust Fold (Nappe)
Block Mountain
  • Due to tensional force – Crustal faulting
    • Ex: African Rift Valley
  • Due to Compressional force – thrust of Reverse fault
    • Ex: Sierra Nevada (USA)
Volcanic Mountain
  • Layer of Solidified magma
  • Ex: Mt. Fuji (Japan), Mt. Mayon (Phillippines), Mt. Merapi (Sumatra), Mt. Agung (Bali), Mt. Catopaxi (Ecuador)
Residual Mountain
  • Evolved by Continuous denudation (Weathering + Eroding + Transportation)
  • Denudation process called Relict Mt – Ex: Aravalli
  • Ex: Mt. Manodnock (USA),
  • Deepest mine – South Africa (4 km).
  • Radius of Earth - 6371km - Crust – 1% Mantle – 84%, Core -15%.
  • Tsunamis are waves generated by the tremors and not an earthquake in itself.


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